Water Treatment Plants Continue The Eugenics Agenda

Facts about water treatment plants:

Water treatment plants put fluoride in your water. More people in the United States drink fluoridated water than the rest of the world combined. Over 95% of the world, including Europe, China, Belgium, Finland, Japan, Hungary and others, have banned fluoride from water treatment facilities. Fluoride, along with other chemicals, are known to break up lead build-up on the inside of older water pipes, and end up in your homes. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), there isn’t any dental benefit in drinking fluoride. Fluoride can be toxic to various parts of your body, including your thyroid, pineal gland, blood (sugar levels), bones, and brain. Studies have shown fluoride to cause various problems for humans and animals, including dementia, arthritis, thyroid disease, bone cancer, infertility, severely lowered iq, and many more. Over 40 percent of young Americans show signs of having suffered from overexposure to fluoride. Fluoride treatment, in higher amounts, are targeted to areas largely populated by African Americans and Mexican populations.

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10,700 Bladder And Rectal Cancer Victims From Drinking Water So Far

A host of chemicals, like fluoride, bromates, arsenic, lead, and others, are added into our water at water treatment facilities. It is clear to see this isn’t designed to protect us. 10,700 bladder and rectal cancers are cancers are the result of toxic tap water. 480,000 cases of learning disorders can be found as a result of toxic tap water each year. The Bush administration classified contaminated drinking water as one of the top four public health risks in America. What have we done since Bush? Well it wouldn’t be truthful to say we haven’t done anything, because water treatment plants have actually done more harm since Bush. They have continued their tests, and added various other chemicals into the water. We have continued to be the guinea pigs. It isn’t morally right to allow this to go on anymore. If the states and government aren’t going to do anything to stop the destructive actions from water treatment facilities directed at U.S. citizens, we need to stand up together and tell them how things are going to be handled from now on. Purchase a We Want Clean Water! Cause to put your name on the growing list of people who stand against contiminated tap water, so we can working on cleaning up this mess.

Information for this post found on Dr. Axe’s website. He is well informed on the various risks of chemicals in drinking water, and many other health problems we are facing in the world.


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Lee Ann McAdoo From INFOWARS Reports: Confirmed: Poison In Your Tap Water

It is hard to focus on so many issues we face at the same time, however, it is important to report each and every critical issue we are facing in this country, and address every one of them until we are fully satisfied with the results. The water in your home could, and most likely is, unsafe to drink. Chemicals, like fluoride, are used in water treatment facilities across the country. A whole host of other chemicals are used, and the list continues to grow. Ultimately, it seems like the people putting the chemicals in our water are not looking out for our best interest. Today, it is highly important to filter tap water for drinking purposes. But it doesn’t need to be this way. We are in serious need of turning this around. Take a look at this video that Lee Ann McAdoo from INFOWARS put together to inform us on some of the issues we are facing with our water today.