United States Government Continues To Strip Away Your Online Privacy
Facts about your online privacy and SISA:
At least three billion phone calls made in the United States each day are monitored by government agencies. With SISA, ISPs and cell service providers are forced to turn over the data gathered on their customers to the government. Any and all calls and emails made out of or to civilians in the United States are monitored by our government. Anything we do online is watched by the government through the SISA act. Because of the massive data gathering going on in the government, just about $11 billion dollars is siphoned to the government for the purpose of monitoring the public every year. The U.S. government is constantly attacking the American public. We are under constant attack. They want us to be completely transparent. They want to know everything we do – all of the time. Now they are after complete knowledge of our internet records. They want to know everything: which websites we visit, what we say on social media. The list is endless. They want it all. This is a blatant attack on the American public, and a complete disregard of the forth amendment. We need to stand up against the criminal actions the government is committing against the American public. If the government is pushing so hard for complete transparency, I say, “you first, Obama.”
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Justin Amash And Others Stand Up Against SISA – A Ruthless Invasion Of Your Internet Privacy
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Justin Amash And Others Stand Up Against SISA – A Ruthless Invasion Of Your Internet Privacy
The government has tried time and time again to pass a bill that would allow for total internet surveillance. Time and time again, it was shut down by congress. They were aware of the fact that the various bills the government was trying to pass were completely ill-willed against the American public, and a direct violation against the fourth amendment, however, they were able to slip the sisa bill between the cracks in the