The Government Is Attacking Free Speech
Facts about freedom of speech:
It is very important to have the ability to freely speak your mind. Without freedom to speak your mind, innovation is stifled. If we don’t have the ability to exercise logic and reason in a neutral environment, we lose the ability to resolve issues, and are forced to “obey” what the uniform political agenda says we should say and think. Just last year, professors and presidents at some of the most prestigious schools in America have resigned for exercising their freedom of speech. This is unacceptable. We need to protect what our ancestors fought and died for with anything and everything we can. Colleges and Universities have implemented “free speech zones,” which implies there isn’t free speech elsewhere on campus, thus violating the first amendment. Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking platforms are censoring anyone saying things that would be considered “hurtful” to various groups, while leaving pornographic content and hate speech against Christians online for anyone to see. Obama has created a power for himself to ban “conspiracy theorizing” and impose a tax for people who do propagate any form of information that doesn’t match the political agenda.
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PRISONPLANET.COM: Obama Information Czar Calls For Banning Free Speech
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PRISONPLANET.COM: Obama Information Czar Calls For Banning Free Speech
The controversy surrounding White House information czar and Harvard Professor Cass Sunstein’s blueprint for the government to infiltrate political activist groups has deepened, with the revelation that in the same 2008 dossier he also called for the government to tax or even ban outright political opinions of which it disapproved.
Sunstein was appointed by President Obama to head up the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, an agency within the Executive Office of the President.
On page 14 of Sunstein’s January 2008 white paper entitled “Conspiracy Theories,” the man who is now Obama’s head of information technology in the White House proposed that each of the following measures “will have a place under imaginable conditions” according to the strategy detailed in the essay.
1) Government might ban conspiracy theorizing.
2) Government might impose some kind of tax, financial or otherwise, on those who disseminate such theories…
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REASON.COM: Is Free Speech Under Attack in America?
This video shows that human nature is to use any and all excuses to defend their own opinions and agendas. “Trigger words” and others are being used by many people to defend their wrong and sometimes illegal actions. Whats worse is that, most of the time, a person who acts out and brakes the law is protected by the majority of the people who support their illegal actions. When the Pandora’s box is opened, people use this to justify bad behavior. We are seeing this more and more today. Professors and faculty members at various colleges around America, including Yale, have resigned as a result of hostile work environments created by people who want to see our freedom of speech taken away, or at least dumbed down to a language that lacks any form of articulation in the defense of political correctness and avoidance of “trigger words.”
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Loretta Lynch Has Already Prosecuted Over 200 People For Speaking Out Against Muslims
It isn’t right to say terrible things about someone because of their race. The “divide and conquer” strategy is being played, and it is working. The chances of you coming across a Muslim who is also an extremist is very unlikely, however, since the government is importing Muslim refugees without a vetting process it is happening more often. The point is, if you’re saying hateful things about Muslims, you are playing into the “divide and conquer” strategy.
Regardless of whether or not you are saying bad things about Muslims or anyone else, it is your right to do so. You are protected by freedom of speech in the United States. It makes me wonder how, and under what law is our attorney general, Loretta Lynch, lawfully prosecuting people for saying hateful things to and about Muslims?
Loretta Lynch has shown signs already of destroying the 1st amendment. She said, “When we talk about the First amendment we [must] make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not American. They are not who we are, they are not what we do, and they will be prosecuted.” After all, stimulating fear into the public for using the right to speak freely is a direct attack on the 1st amendment, and it is also a tactic to provoke fear into the public for even thinking about speaking their minds on controversial matters. What used to be a difficult subject to talk about is now allegedly something that “will be prosecuted.”
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Joshua Bayne Fights For Freedom Of Speech
Protect your right to speak freely anywhere in our country. Freedom of speech must be important, considering it is the 1st out of 10 in our Bill of Rights. After all, George Washington put it best when he said, ” If the freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” Without our right to speak freely, it will be impossible for good people – who stand up against the evil crimes taking place in our government – to properly inform us of the troubles that lay ahead. Without a beacon truth, a sounding board of justice, we will be led silently and be made dumb, and we will continue to give up our freedoms. After all, the current state of our country didn’t become this way overnight. We have been letting things continue to progress to a state of wickedness. We either stand up for our ancestors, country, and children, or we give up and let go of our freedoms. Now, it’s your choice. Purchase a Freedom of Speech Cause, and help spread the word. Help take our country back again.
Loretta Lynch has shown signs already of destroying the 1st amendment. She said, “When we talk about the First amendment we [must] make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not American. They are not who we are, they are not what we do, and they will be prosecuted.” After all, stimulating fear into the public for using the right to speak freely is a direct attack on the 1st amendment, and it is also a tactic to provoke fear into the public for even thinking about speaking their minds on controversial matters. What used to be a difficult subject to talk about is now allegedly something that “will be prosecuted.”