We Want Clean Water! (SEND 20)


Demand clean water for you and your family.

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Below is a sample of the letter you are purchasing to have sent to your elected officials:

Dear (elected official),

I am increasingly concerned about the amount of harmful chemicals found in our water supplies across this country. Many of these chemicals are not needed to sustain the integrity of water from treatment plant to faucet. Chemicals, like fluoride, have been proven time and time again to be extremely harmful to the body, and the government still insists on adding harmful chemicals to our water in America. I do not want to see this happen any longer. It is time the people who make up this nation are treated with utmost respect, and this arguably starts at the tap. Americans are hard working, strong, independent individuals, and we don’t need to be invaded in our own homes by poisonous water. We need clean pure water.

Many people cannot afford – or are simple not aware of the harmful effects of tap water – purification filters for their water at home, and are forced to use tap water for various internal uses in cooking, making coffee in the morning, drinking, etc.. We need to be able to trust in our water sources. Right now, we can’t because we are currently being poisoned at the tap.

Please do everything in your power to send this message – loud and clear – up the chain of command: water treatment plants in the United States needs to be handled with care. We need harmful chemicals to be taken out of our water. We need to have the cleanest water available. We certainly do not need any harmful chemicals added to our water. We the people fought for freedom, and created the U.S. Constitution in 1776. In 2016, we the people still believe in the the Constitution, and the idea of a free country – that includes being free of harmful chemicals in our own water supplies. Please do everything in your power to protect our rights and the Constitution of the United States of America. Make your voice heard by as many government officials as possible. Be bold. America needs you to speak out. We need you to protect our constitution. You were elected to perform a service to the public, and that includes protecting the people in this country. Please do everything in your power to uphold the integrity of the Constitution. Make your voice heard by as many people as possible. As Dylan Thomas once wrote, “do not go quietly into the night.” Create a twitter account, and post your strong belief in having clean water for America – include hashtags #wewantcleanwater and #therfmovement to join the movement of other representatives across this country who are standing up for what is right.

Please do this for me and my family. Please do this for you and your family. Do this for our children, and our children’s children. Uphold the integrity of our Constitution.

Thank you,


(your name)



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