Americans are some of the greatest people in the world. We have constantly innovated and created the highest standards of living, and the best forms of technology. Americans have a lot to fight for in this country. It would be a shame to see it all slip out of our control because we have grown too soft. America, we have the right, and we have the duty to protect the constitution our ancestors fought so bravely for. The words written on those pages by this country’s greatest leaders were carefully thought out, and hand written with extreme precision because they knew future generations for hundreds of years would still be living by that very same document.
Somehow, we have allowed distractions into our lives. It might seem innocent to allow yourself to be entertained and shut down, however, horrible acts to destroy our country are being committed every day. We are being blinded by entertainment while our freedoms are being stripped away from us. The millennial generation may be the last of America’s last hope. If you look at schools today, our children are being taught to submit. They are being taught to want to abolish the constitution, and that it is evil – that it’s racist because of the era it was written. The twisted lies and deception are limitless, and they re screwing with future generations. We need to wake up and realize this is a problem. It isn’t easily fixed, so let’s get to work!
The Real Freedom Movement was created to give you a centralized place to visit, and voice your opinions and concerns, without having to dedicate large amounts of time searching and researching for answers and clues. We want to make it easy for you to do something about the current state of our country, because we need everyone in this country to be involved. In order for us all to turn the tides of the establishment, we all must participate. Why else would it be so hard for us to collectively come together on issues we are facing? The answer is simple and true: the establishment doesn’t want America banding together. They want us to remain separated in classes. They create movements, like ‘black lives matter,’ to further divide and conquer. They won’t be happy until we all hate each other. An alien to this planet would look down at earth and scratch his head, and wonder why we point out such small differences we have, then fight about it. This is madness, and it is a direct result of the evil we are facing in this country. We have one extremely powerful weapon to use against the establishment – and that’s the constitution – so let’s fight to keep it!
We are brave. We are strong. We are unique. We are courageous. We are tired of seeing the government illegally seize rightfully owned land from farmers, ranchers, and U.S. citizens. We have grown tired of seeing bad deal after bad deal made in international affairs. We are tired of our leadership, and we want to do something about it. We want to win the information war. We don’t want to see any more lives, on either side of the spectrum, lost. We are proud Americans, and we want a proud America.