America’s Power Grid Under Attack

Facts about America’s power grid:

America has become a target to many people and groups around the world, and this hasn’t happened overnight. If America has an Achilles Heel, it would be our power grid. We lack in grid security, and this problem isn’t being fixed. If America’s power were to go out, it is estimated that half of the U.S. population would die. This is a serious problem – especially when our grid has already been hacked into by other countries. The time is now. We need to protect every aspect of our freedoms in this country, and that includes power.

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U.S. Power Grid Vulnerable To Attack

America has become a target to many people in various countries. This country didn’t become this way overnight, and we will probably not be able to fix this problem overnight. However, this problem needs to be addressed, and we need to work toward fixing our relationships with other countries around the world. The problem we face today is very threatening. Our country has become overconfident in the way we handle things. One of these these things is our power grid security. There is no real incentive for the people and companies, who are keeping the lights on and heaters running at home, to protect our power grid as best as possible, so it will be impossible for other individuals to hack into our power grids, and potentially send us into a dark age. It is estimated that if our power grid goes offline, at least half of the U.S. population would die. Think about it. Everything runs on electricity: gas stations, grocery stores, homes, banks. Everything. Our power grid is America’s heart, and our government is currently leaving it in a vulnerable position. If we push for our country to take action and improve infrastructure, and technology behind our power grid, we will be creating a more secure environment for ourselves and children, and creating many new jobs for well deserving Americans. Help spread the word by purchasing this cause, and tell your friends and family to do the same before it’s too late.