Boarders. Language. Culture.
Facts about our boarders, language, and culture in America:
While America remains a free country, it is safe to say our idea of America is being changed. This country was founded on specific principals – principals our ancestors fought and died for. We need to keep a strict memory of who we were, and where we come from. We need to remember our freedom, celebrations, and culture. We need these things to be taught to our children in school, so our younger generations hold the same values we have grown to appreciate. It is our right to have freedom to do the things we do, and appreciate the quality of life we are blessed with today. We cannot take our freedoms for granted. America was founded by Christians with a Christian outlook on life. Our Constitution was written by Christians who scrutinized every aspect of every word down to the punctuation. They knew, all too well, the evils that existed, and did everything to prevent them from entering our boarders and penetrating our branches of government. These are things we need to remember as well. George Washington prayed that a veil of protection be lifted if our country turned away from God. Today, we can see more reason to turn back to God as a nation than anything else, and we need our politicians to know this too.
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Government Contemplating When The Should Use Tax Dollars To Pay For Sex Changes
A recent article reveals Obama is already hard at work with tax dollars in the war against gender orientation. It is hard to believe this sort of thing is even being considered without the public’s vote, but, then again, he hasn’t asked for permission with any other bill or executive action he has put into place. American’s cannot stand by, and watch our country fall to the ground. After all, the late Malcolm X once said, “if you don’t stand for something, you will fall for anything.”
“The Obama administration is considering whether Medicare, its health care program for older and disabled adults, should regularly cover sex reassignment surgery.”
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Powerful Video From INFOWARS Reveals The Real Threat To All Freedom Loving Americans
It is clear that America is under attack. The only way we are going to stop this brutal overtaking by the corrupt establishment is by waking up. We need everyone to wake up from the mainstream media slumber. There isn’t much time left.
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Queen Of England Says, “Enjoy Your Final Christmas.”
“Clearly troubled, the Queen said, “She knew too much.” The Queen asked her subjects to understand that the Royal Family simply did what was necessary to ensure their own survival…”