Government Land Acquisitions And The BLM
Facts about the BLM:
The Beurou of Land Management is a government entity under the U.S. Department of the Interior with the mission to “manage and conserve the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations under our mandate of multiple-use and sustained yield.” What may have started as a simple and innocent cause is not what the BLM is today. The BLM now owns and controls over 47% of all land in America. Some states, like Nevada, are almost entirely owned and controlled by the United States government. The BLM is showing no signs of backing down either. Along the Red River in Texas, land seizures have forced many ranchers out of their homes which they have lived in most of their lives. This most recent stand-off with the FBI and the Bundys in Oregon have resulted in Lavoy Finicum’s death. The true intentions of our government are clear: we do what we want, and you have no rights. The BLM is after as much land as they can get their hands on, and will do so at any cost.
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Joe Biggs from INFOWARS interviews some of the peaceful protesters who are tired of the government illegally taking land from U.S. citizens
It is clear and obvious to see the United States government is the only party acting cruel and maliciously. And if anyone were to be labeled as a
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Dana Joel Gattuso writes about BLM in The National Policy Analysis
“Conservation Easements: The Good, the Bad, And the Ugly.
Conservation easements, as we know them today, are a fairly recent approach to land conservation. As government acquisitions and regulatory restrictions on land use have become prohibitively invasive, costly, and ineffective, governments have looked to conservation easements as a potentially effective and less expensive conservation method than government ownership and/or regulation. Use of conservation easements began to gain steam by the 1980s and by the 1990s, exploded on the scene.
Initially, conservation easements – which allow landowners to hold on to and use their property but permanently remove development rights in exchange for tax benefits – seemed to hold some promise as an unintrusive, effective means of preserving open space while upholding private stewardship, private initiative and the rights of private property owners. Land trusts, the organizations that manage the easements, tended originally to be small, nonpolitical, and independent of government involvement.
Over time, however, as numerous land trusts have grown in size and number, so have their association – and influence – with government. This has been the case particularly with the large, national organizations that obtain enormous sums from federal funding. For many of these land trusts, what used to be a close working relationship with private landowners has been replaced by a closer relationship with government agencies. Increasingly too, the mission has evolved from protecting open lands through private stewardship to aiding government agencies in acquiring private lands. In these troubling arrangements, land trusts have operated more like government agents, acquiring easements from private landowners, only to turn around and quietly sell them – sometimes for a profit – to state or federal governments.”
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David Knight From INFOWARS Joins Peaceful Protesters, And FEDS Are Forced To Stand Down.
It is clear and obvious to see the United States government is the only party acting cruel and maliciously. And if anyone were to be labeled in a negative way, it would be the BLM.