It’s Time We Learn The Truth About 9/11

Facts about 9/11:

Nobody knows for certain what exactly happened on 9/11. Military grade Thermite was found in the rubble of all three world trade center buildings, and verified by three separate independent labs. Congressman Thomas Massie said, “I had to stop every couple of pages and…try to rearrange my understanding of history. It challenges you to rethink everything.” Suppressing the 28 pages prevents the families affected by the events on 9/11 from achieving courtroom justice against governments who were involved in the events that took place on 9/11. Actions taken by various government officials and agencies suggest there are things they are desperately trying to suppress from the public. It is your right, along with the rest of America, to know what is hidden within the missing 28 pages of the official white house 9/11 report.

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BARE RECORD OF TRUH Speaks Out Against The Actions America Has Taken In Defiance Of Our Scriptures

Many do not know that two promised lands in this world have been dedicated to God. Israel and the United States. This dedication is a marriage between the people living on the promised land with their God. The Lord God is the husband, and we as a people are His bride. If the people on the dedicated/promised land want the protection of God, they keep his commandments and honor Him.

George Washington dedicated the United States of America to God on April 30, 1789. He dedicated this land both in his inaugural address at the Federal Hall and then in prayer, at St Paul’s Chapel located on the corner of a place now known as “ground zero”. Washington stated in an address at Federal Hall that the nation would prosper and be protected as long as it remained committed to the will and purposes of God.

King Solomon dedicated the Jewish Temple and the Mount in Jerusalem to God. When the Israelite people consistently departed from His decrees and laws, judgment would come by the Lord. God’s first warning is to allow the national hedge of security to be broken and then if the people do not repent gradually more severe consequences are imposed…

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Sid Roth Jonathan Cahn Ancient Mystery Behind 9/11

This video shows then events that took place on 9/11 is nearly a perfect replay of what happened in ancient Israel. It is important for us to learn from history and not repeat mistakes made in the past. America needs to wake up. We need to brighten our lives with the word of God, and learn how we are supposed to move forward in time. So many people are speaking out and saying things that would normally be considered conspiracies. Today, people are more comfortable admitting the end is near. We need to realize the bible is our gift of life. Through it, we may come to know Jesus and the word of God. What I see today are people who are more ready for the end to happen, and less people who are ready to stand up for what is right. There aren’t many ways to make a real stand, and most ways are hard enough to fit into our daily lives. This website offers a way for people to make a stand for a small fee, and try to prevent satanic forces from taking over our country. As much as I would like to believe the end is nigh and go home to our Father in Heaven, I would also not want all of us to be horribly wrong, and have to suffer through loss of freedoms, and see our children grow up in a country that is far from what we remember. After all, the statue of George Washington which has been there for so many years was placed there as a reminder, that God would lift his veil of protection if our nation turned away from Him.

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Documentary: Anatomy Of A Great Deception, By David Hooper

We don’t usually post links to full length documentaries, however, there is a lot of missing information behind the official 9/11 report. Most of the truth about 9/11 was buried in the rubble, however, there are still a lot of questions regarding this event, and Americans deserve the right to know what really happened. Take a look at David Hooper’s work on exposing as much evidence as one man can on the truth about 9/11