Mandatory Vaccinations And Bad Medical Practice
Facts about vaccinations:
There is no question that doctors are overreaching their boundaries in medical practice. States, like California, are mandating vaccinations for all school age children, regardless of religious beliefs. It is hard to believe vaccines are actually effective, especially with the paralleled arc of autistic children to number of vaccinated children that Trump brought to light in an Instagram post months ago. Additionally, the increasing number of diabetic children in our country is alarming as well, and some people correlate this issue to various vaccinations as well. The bottom line is Americans deserve the right to decide what is healthy for them and their children. No medical practitioner needs to force a parent into consenting for their child to be vaccinated. Fear is probably the number one tactic in forcing parents to vaccinate their children. The number of doctors threatening to drop their patients if they don’t vaccinate their children is growing at a rapid rate. Doctors will say your child needs to be vaccinated for school. They do pretty much everything but flat out lie to your face, and I wouldn’t put that past them either. Just remember, it’s your right to choose what’s best for you and your family, and we need to fight to keep it that way.
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Rob Dew From INFOWARS Solidifies The Concerns Of The American Public On Vaccinations
The stories in this video are so sad, and the number of people who have stories, like this, to share is alarming. You wouldn’t know anything like this exists. If you do, you are a conspiracy theorist. That is just not true, and labeling someone as a conspiracy theorist for being informed on a matter that effects everyone they know is completely wrong. Additionally, it isn’t working anymore. America is waking up. This video proves it. Some of the stories are very sad, but it needs to be watched and heard. After all, this effects you and your family.
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2016.02.23 Shares Tragic Stories Of Real Parents Who Have Had Horrible Experiences With Vaccinations
The stories found in the link below are tragic, and must be read by any skeptics who aren’t concerned by vaccines. They are dangerous. They are filled with poisonous chemicals. They can be fatal. It is our duty, as parents, to take care of our children. It is our right to protect our children as well. If vaccinations are causing serious side effects, and even death, then parents should be just as serious about making sure their children are in good health – even if that means NOT listening to their doctors. Read the stories below to see what some other loving parents had to say about their vaccine experiences.
Here is just one that is so sad, and we need to do something about this, as it is effecting you and your family:
“Dear Thinktwice,
I recently took our only children, Harley (2 months) and Ashlee (2 years), to the doctor for their well-baby appointments. Harley had the sniffles and Ashlee had a cold, otherwise both were in perfect health. Harley was given his first DPT, polio, and Hib shots. Ashlee received her first Hib and MMR shots, as well as her third DPT and fourth polio shots.
After the vaccinations I laid the children down for their naps. Harley woke first; his thighs were red. I heard Ashlee wake and then I heard a ‘THUMP!’ Ashlee fell flat on the floor. She cried out ‘Mommy, me no walk!’ I checked her over and stood her up; there was no strength in either leg.
I called the hospital and rushed Ashlee to the emergency ward. I left Harley with a responsible woman to look after him while we were away. At the hospital we waited more than 20 minutes for the doctor to finish his popcorn before he would check Ashlee. He never touched her, nor was she undressed. The official report stated that the child couldn’t walk, ‘no other problem.
When we returned home, Harley was high-pitched screaming. The babysitter said it started more than one-and-a-half hours before. He was inconsolable. He finally screamed himself into exhaustion two hours later. I called the emergency ward. They recommended a warm bath and told me it was ‘nothing to worry about.’
For ten days Harley’s behavior changed. He barely slept, hardly ate, and seemed to be getting worse. On May 17 at 9:00 a.m., my husband got up, checked on Harley, and yelled out, ‘Bonnie, get up, call the ambulance. Harley is dead!’
The state police and county coroner arrived with the ambulance. The coroner peered into the ambulance, never examined Harley, and stated, ‘SIDS.’ Harley was then rushed away. My husband and I didn’t get to see him again for more than three days, until 1:00 p.m. on May 20 — in his coffin!
My adopted parents came to Harley’s funeral. My father (I use that term loosely) screamed out: ‘Which one of you killed my grandson?’ My husband’s family stays away; they think we should stop mourning for Harley and get on with our life.
I want to mention the following points:
* The attendant giving the vaccines never mentioned the possibility of side effects when we were rushed through the signing of the releases.
* Ashlee has been to doctors since her paralysis. They never documented our verbal concerns regarding a connection to the vaccines.
* The autopsy lists Harley as a 5-week-old baby; he was 9 weeks old.
* The pathology department never received tissue samples. Also, Harley’s blood arrived by U.S. mail after an eleven-day wait; it was not shipped on dry ice.
* The doctor never recorded the lot numbers of the vaccines. The manufacturers cannot help us without this information.
* An administrator at the Minot Air Force Base (where the vaccines were administered), told us: ‘Get on with your lives, drop this search. It’s only a baby.’
* We were rejected for compensation through the Federal Vaccine Compensation Act.
* Two U.S congressional inquiries are underway to secure information regarding our children’s health care.
What is life like today? Empty. The government is taking their time. Ashlee’s medical future is at risk. We cannot even test for permanent damage yet. It is sad that the government does not care about our babies. They do not care that an innocent child is dead because of their neglect, and desire to pretend everything is okay. Our son is not able to rest in peace because of the bureaucratic red-tape. Harley has been dead for more than two years. When will the government stop running our lives, even after death? What is next?”