The Federal Register Is Making Life Nearly Impossible

Facts about the Federal Register:

The Federal Register has overreached their boundaries for far too long. They need to be monitored more closely. Their recipe is always the same: overload Congress with as much technical jargon as humanly possible, and ask Congress to review and vote in a very short period of time. This is madness, and redefines the term “bending the law.” Let’s look at the year 2015 alone: 81,611 pages of new regulations. This totaled 3,378 final rules and regulations, and 545 of those effect small businesses directly. That means just over 24 pages per new rule. Doesn’t sound like much? Lets do the math. 3,378 rules in one year means that just over 9 rules will need to be scrutinized every day, 7 days a week. A total of 222 pages would need to be read, and decisions would need to be made each day, without a single day off. It is plain to see the government is trying to slip as much as they can through the cracks as possible. We need to put an end to this, immediately!

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Joshua Bayne’s Thoughts On The Federal Registry

The Federal Register has overreached their boundaries for far too long, and needs to be monitored. Regulations they have put into effect need to be examined by true freedom loving Americans, and, if needed, need to be nullified. The Federal Registry has enacted 81,611 pages of new regulations on Americans in the year 2015 alone. These pages total 3,378 final rules and regulations. Additionally, 545 of those rules directly effect small businesses.

This is all bad. What can we do about it? Well, Congress has the ability to review and disapprove these new rules and regulations through the resolutions of disapproval (ROD), a part of the Congressional Review Act. Unfortunately, in the 20 years of the Congressional Review Act being in effect, only 109 regulations and rules have been revoked through the ROD. This is because the presidential administration, whichever current administration, is very vigilant, and uses as much legal wording to keep a page count as high as possible. Think about it. 81,611 pages in 2015 for 3,378 rules. That is a lot of rules, however, that is an astronomical amount of data for congress to pour through. There is no question that Congress needs to be issuing more RODs. Our current Congress has only issued 13 since 2015. They need to be issuing more to protect our country and American freedom. We need to make it more simple for them. Currently, Congress is allowed 60 days to review each regulation before they are voted on. We need something like 1 day for each page of data per new rule or regulation, and we need Congress to exercise RODs under the Congressional Review Act more vigilantly.

There is an evil that is penetrating our country, and it has endless energy pushing for a victory. That evil is permeating it’s way from the top downward into the lower ranks of our governing systems. The thing we need to know if the top is a very small number, and they are already working as hard as possible. We the people are many, and we CAN change this by just exercising our numbers. If we all get behind this cause and vote on it, we will be victorious. The top doesn’t want us to know that. They want us to think they are invincible. Well they aren’t, and their days are numbered. Tell your friends and family about this cause, and help Congress reverse an astronomical number of rules and regulations they have put into effect in the year 2015, and many years prior to that as well.