The Truth About GMO
Facts about GMO foods:
GMOs (genetically modified organisms) start as natural seeds that us humans have used for thousands of years, however, what happens next is very unsafe, and other countries around the world are banning them entirely. Scientists have figured out ways to modify the genetic structure of the seeds to a varying point that they become something else entirely. Because of this fact, they are able to patent the seed and sell it off to farmers around the world. The main differences the seeds take on are extreme resistance to chemicals (like Round-up ready crops), seeds that do not allow the plant to produce seeds for harvesting and use in later seasons, and seeds that produce their own pesticides. Essentially, the changes companies and scientists have made to the seeds are not only against God’s will, but they are bad. Most nations that are developed, including Japan, Australia, all of the EU, and others have either flat out banned GMO entirely or put massive restrictions on GMO. So why doesn’t the United States do the same? The companies that produce GMO have also conducted their own in-house studies, and proved they are completely safe. They didn’t send their products to 3rd party labs for studies, and they won’t listen to anyone who says that GMO is harmful. So do you believe that the studies they conducted on their own GMO products were in fact unbiased and honest? We don’t. We believe what the rest of the world is saying, and think GMO should be banned from our country.
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2016.03.23 10 Scary Facts About GMOs
“1. Commonality of GMOs
In the United States alone, GMOs make up about 70-80% of the foods we consume. Most foods that contain GMOs are processed foods.
2. The Instability of Health
In most developed countries, GMOs have been banned or placed under strict regulations. After the introduction of GMOs, chronic illnesses, food allergies and disorders like reproductive and digestive ones have increased with time. Although thorough research has yet to be conducted directly linking GMOs to these conditions, some doctors are urging patients to avoid high quantities of foods with GMOs due to its unnatural factors.
3. Resistant to Weeds
Seeds that have been subjected to GMOs are resistant to weeds, but weeds growing in the same areas become exposed to GMOs. Over time, the weeds become resistant as well, causing farmers to use stronger chemicals, which affect the safety of the crops that people consume. More chemicals can lead to more health problems derived from the food we eat.
4. Contaminated—Forever
Not all farmers benefit from GMOs. When seeds are induced with GMOs, they “travel” to other farms and even in the wild making it almost impossible to eliminate all GMOs. Organic farmers face the devastation of huge economic losses trying to keep their crops pure when competing. In addition, the health of future generations are placed at risk due to these “traveling seeds.””