Why The United States Needs A Real Immigration Policy
Facts about our immigration policy:
Immigration policy is important. The establishment would have you believe having any type of policy is against our constitution. It isn’t, and we can’t let anyone in without a proper vetting process. It is hard to believe there are so many unvetted people in our country as a result of the Obama administration. This is absurd. We need to stand up, and do something about it. What we do know for certain is that 57% of households that have immigrants are on some type of welfare. If we were to legalize immigrants in our country today, it would cost tax payers 6.3 trillion dollars. In states with high numbers of immigrants, healthcare systems are nearly collapsed. Taxpayers are currently dishing out over 12 billion dollars a year on the schooling and daycares of illegal immigrants. This is made easy by the United States government with a website that teaches immigrants how to sigh up for welfare: http://www.benefits.gov/. In 2010, Mexican drug cartel is operating in over 1,200 U.S. cities; that number was 50 cities in 2006. The government has made plans to let an additional 33 million immigrants through our boarders over the next decade. It is clear they have no good intentions for America, and it is up to us to do something about it.
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INFOWARS: 19 Very Disturbing Facts About Illegal Immigration That Every American Should Know
Should we roll out the red carpet and allow millions upon millions of thieves, rapists, gang members and drug dealers to come waltzing into this country any time they would like?
Should we broadcast a message to the rest of the world that anyone that can find a way to enter this country and somehow get to a “sanctuary city” can sign up for a plethora of welfare benefits and live a life of leisure at the expense of hard working American citizens? Yes, those questions sound absurd, but what I have just described will essentially be official U.S. government policy if the immigration bill going through Congress becomes law. And unfortunately, Democrats now say that they have the Republican votes that they need to get “immigration reform” through the House of Representatives. If this amnesty bill becomes law, it will encourage even more illegal immigration and it will be one more step toward making the U.S. border essentially meaningless…
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David Icke Exposes Secret Of Migrant Wave On INFOWARS With Alex Jones
After watching this video, it should be obvious as to what the real agenda is here, and what we need to do about it.
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Joshua Bayne Brings To Light The Japanese Immigration Policy, And It’s Effectiveness
Our immigration policy needs to be changed to something more like Japan. They are very strict with immigration, and as a result, they have had NO crime to date from Muslim extremists. We are being told by our government that Syrian immigrants are mostly women and children. In fact, over 80% of “Syrian” immigrants are military aged men. Additionally, most of the immigrants are not even Syrian. They are from a whole variety of countries that are filled with extremists, and have taken over Syria. Why would America even consider taking in these immigrants? The immediate result from this immigration policy is two mass shootings taking place in on American soil. This is not acceptable. It is the United States government’s job to do whats in the best interest of this country, and they are not doing anything in the best interest of America at the moment. It is also the United States government’s job to listen to the public, and do what we tell them to do. If we have no voice, and we are not telling them what to do on a regular basis, they will do whatever they’re pleased to do. Therefore, we need to come together and tell them how they need to handle this matter, and we need to do it now. It is a shame that Americans have already lost their lives as a result of the failures of our government. We can’t let anyone else suffer as a result of our government’s poor behavior.