Boarders. Language. Culture. (SEND 40)
Demand our boarders are protected, the English language is commonly spoken, and our Christian American culture is upheld.
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View our Blog Post to learn more about why we think it is important to re-invigorate America with our culture, speak the English language, and protect our boarders.
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Below is a sample of the letter you are purchasing to have sent to your elected officials:
Dear (elected official),
Throughout the generations, America has had a particular image around the world and in our country. Outsiders have viewed America as a land of opportunity, and American’s have viewed this America as the land of the free, and the home of the brave. Today, this isn’t the case. Today, a large number of people can’t even recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America. This is alarming. A great politician, Alexander Hamilton, once wrote, “Those who stand for nothing fall for anything.” He knew the importance of culture. Alexander Hamilton lived through the American Revolutionary War. He was alive in 1776. He was compelled to write something that would stand strong hundreds of years into the future. Today, his words are more important than ever. This should be an alarm sounding off in your ear.
Today, children in school couldn’t care less about Constitution and our Bill of Rights. As homework assignments, a lot of schools ask their students to name which amendment, in the Constitution, they least like, and which they would prefer not to even have in the Constitution all together. I do not stand for this type of education for children in my community, and I am sure no homework assignments like this would be implemented into the school system following the Revolutionary War. Why today? To me, it seems our children are being taught not to stand for the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. It seems like they aren’t being taught to stand for anything, which leads me to believe future generations will be more susceptible to fall for anything.
There are many issues we are facing in this country. There are many different things we can focus on, however, the pendulum may have swung too far for us to address every issue, and solve every problem. Future generations are going to lead this country one day. It is important for them to know the foundation on which it was built. America was carved out on a map. We spoke the English language, and we had a national culture that was proud an patriotic. These are simple ideas, and we can’t let time sweep them away.
Please do everything in your power to send this message – loud and clear – up the chain of command: American culture, the protection of our boarders, and the primary language we speak in our country, is what our ancestors fought to create here in America. In 2016, we the people still believe in the the Constitution, and the original idea of America – now more than ever. Please do everything in your power to protect the original ideas of the United States of America. Make your voice heard by as many government officials as possible. Be bold. America needs you to speak out. We need you to protect our constitution. You were elected to perform a service to the public, and that includes protecting the Constitution. Please do everything in your power to uphold the integrity of the Constitution and the image of America that is defined in the Constitution. Make your voice heard by as many people as possible. As Dylan Thomas once wrote, “do not go quietly into the night.” Create a twitter account, and post your strong beliefs on protecting our boarders, speaking English as a primary language, and teaching wholesome American culture to our children in schools – include hashtags #boarderslanguageculture and #therfmovement to join the movement of other representatives across this country who are standing up for what is right.
Please do this for me and my family. Please do this for you and your family. Do this for our children, and our children’s children. Uphold the integrity of our Constitution.
Thank you,
(your name)
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