Freedom of Speech (SEND 20)


Protect your right to speak freely anywhere in our country. Protect the future of America.

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View Blog Post for more information on how the government has already started prosecuting Americans for exercising their free speech.

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Below is a sample of the letter you are purchasing to have sent to your elected officials:

Dear (elected official),

The direct attack on free speech by the government is unconstitutional. As a citizen of the United States, I cannot stand for what is being threatened by the U.S. government. Every citizen reserves the right – protected by the constitution – to speak freely on any subject matter. Attorney General, Loretta Lynch said, “When we talk about the First amendment we [must] make it clear that actions predicated on violent talk are not American. They are not who we are, they are not what we do, and they will be prosecuted.” The government has already prosecuted (20) people for hate speech against Muslims. Senator, Rand Paul (R-Ky.), pointed out at Values Voter Summit – October 11, 2013, “there is a worldwide war on Christianity.,” and noted the war on Christianity is being ignored by the mainstream media and the Obama administration. It seems like the only type of negative rhetoric directed at any group, and is picked up by news stations, is words against Muslims. Ironically, Senator Paul also pointed out that the main threat to Christianity is by Muslim extremists. Regardless of whether or not you think this is true, freedom of speech is being attacked, and Americans are made to believe there will be consequences for speaking out, and speaking one’s mind. I will not stand behind a government that is acting more and more tyrannical everyday.

I am writing you because I want you to do everything in your power to protect our freedom of speech. We elected you to serve us, and to protect the Constitution. We the public are concerned about our protection to speak freely in the United States.

Please do everything in your power to send this message – loud and clear – up the chain of command: free speech, whatever talking point, is a God given right to every citizen of the United States. It is written in the Constitution. We the people fought for freedom, and created the U.S. Constitution in 1776. In 2016, we the people still believe in the the Constitution, and the first amendment – now more than ever. Please do everything in your power to protect our rights and the Constitution of the United States of America. Please uphold our right to freedom of speech. Make your voice heard by as many government officials as possible. Be bold. America needs you to speak out. We need you to protect our constitution. You were elected to perform a service to the public, and that includes protecting the Constitution. Please do everything in your power to uphold the integrity of the Constitution and the first amendment. Make your voice heard by as many people as possible. As Dylan Thomas once wrote, “do not go quietly into the night.” Create a twitter account, and post your strong belief in the first amendment – include hashtags #freedomofspeech and #therfmovement to join the movement of other representatives across this country who are standing up for what is right.

Please do this for me and my family. Please do this for you and your family. Do this for our children, and our children’s children. Uphold the integrity of our Constitution.

Thank you,


(your name)