No Internet Censorship! (BASIC)
Demand the government stop censoring your online activities.
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Below is a sample of the letter you are purchasing to have sent to your elected officials:
Dear (elected official),
The government has tried time and time again to pass a bill that would allow for total internet surveillance. Time and time again, it was shut down by congress. They were aware of the fact that various bills the government was trying to pass were completely ill-willed against the American public, and a direct violation against the fourth amendment. In the Omnibus bill, however, they were able to slip SISA between the cracks. Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich) called SISA “a ruthless invasion of your privacy.” I don’t want the government to ruthlessly invade my privacy. I want freedom online. I don’t want corporations to be bullied into sharing my personal data, internet history, and online activities with the government. It is unconstitutional. This bill was negotiated in secret by only a few member of Congress, and was quietly added in the Omnibus bill.
Please join Justin Amash (R-Mich), John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich), Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.), Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), Ted Peo (R-Texas), and Jared Polis (D-Colo.) in the movement to repeal SISA. We need you to help protect America’s freedoms.
Please do everything in your power to send this message – loud and clear – up the chain of command: internet censorship, whatever type, is off limits. We the people fought for freedom, and created the U.S. Constitution in 1776. In 2016, we the people still believe in the the Constitution, and the idea of freedom in life and online – now more than ever. Please do everything in your power to protect our rights and the Constitution of the United States of America. Please uphold our rights to a free and uncensored internet. Make your voice heard by as many government officials as possible. Be bold. America needs you to speak out. We need you to protect our constitution. You were elected to perform a service to the public, and that includes protecting our freedoms. Please do everything in your power to uphold the integrity of the Constitution and work to provide freedom online. Make your voice heard by as many people as possible. As Dylan Thomas once wrote, “do not go quietly into the night.” Create a twitter account, and post your strong beliefs against internet censorship – include hashtags #nointernetcensorship and #therfmovement to join the movement of other representatives across this country who are standing up for what is right.
Please do this for me and my family. Please do this for you and your family. Do this for our children, and our children’s children. Uphold the integrity of our Constitution.
Thank you,
(your name)
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