Protect Your Power (BASIC)


Demand America's power grid is protected, so we have the ability to keep our homes warm and lights on.

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View our Blog Post to learn more about the vulnerability of our grid, and how fragile life really is.

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Below is a sample of the letter you are purchasing to have sent to your elected officials:

Dear (elected official),

America’s power grid needs protection. Countries, including Iran, Russia, and others, have hacked into our power grid in the past. If they wanted to, they could potentially shut down America’s power grid. This is not acceptable. Cyber security experts, who monitor our power grid, have repeatedly warned that our power grid is vulnerable to cyber attack. The government hasn’t done anything about this. This could potentially be one of the biggest issues we are facing in the country.

America has become a target to many people and groups around the world, and this hasn’t happened overnight. If America has an Achilles Heel, it would be our power grid. We lack in grid security, and this problem isn’t being fixed. If America’s power were to go out, it is estimated that half of the U.S. population would die. This is a serious problem – especially when our grid has already been hacked into by other countries. The time is now. We need to protect every aspect of our freedoms in this country, and that includes power. Our power grid is currently in a vulnerable position.

Please do everything in your power to send this message – loud and clear – up the chain of command: the United States of America need a better protected power grid. We the people fought for freedom, and created the U.S. Constitution in 1776. In 2016, we don’t want to see our country’s power grip hacked into and shut down – now more than ever. Please do everything in your power to protect our rights and the Constitution of the United States of America. Please do everything in your power to protect all of our power. Make your voice heard by as many government officials as possible. Be bold. America needs you to speak out. We need you to protect our coutry. You were elected to perform a service to the public, and that includes protecting the Constitution. Make your voice heard by as many people as possible. As Dylan Thomas once wrote, “do not go quietly into the night.” Create a twitter account, and post your strong belief in the second amendment – include hashtags #protectthepowergrid and #therfmovement to join the movement of other representatives across this country who are standing up for what is right.

Please do this for me and my family. Please do this for you and your family. Do this for our children, and our children’s children. Uphold the integrity of our Constitution.


Thank you,


(your name)


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